International Snack Scavenger Hunt

Your international food subscription comes straight to your door, delivering the world to your steps. If it’s travel that you want (on a budget that won’t break the bank), use your MunchPak as the jumping off point for an around the world scavenger hunt. Does it sound like kids’ stuff? It is – so, it’s perfect for your child and her friends at a birthday party or sleepover. But, it’s also a game that grown-ups can play. So, recapture your child-like sense of imagination and set up a snack-filled scavenger hunt with the contents of your MunchPak subscription box.

  1. Open your MunchPak! Tear into the box and take out the foreign snacks. Choose an assortment of three to four treats.
  2. Note which countries the snacks come from. If you’re not immediately sure, do some research. A quick Internet search for the candy, cookie or salty snack (or the company that manufactures it) will give you a country’s name.
  3. Write down country name on an index card and tape it to the back of the packaging.
  4. Choose a scavenger hunt spot. For kids, make the space small and manageable. Your house, park (with plenty of adult supervision) or the backyard are ideal places. If you’re having an adult activity, go for a wider area. For example, your college campus, your town’s main shopping district or even the entire city (this requires each team to have drivers).
  5. Split the participants into teams. If this is a kids’ activity, assign an adult to each team for supervision.
  6. Hand each team one of the foreign snacks. The teams must take their snacks and find other objects and items that match the country of origin. Instead of buying (or taking) the finds, have the teams snap pictures of their scavenged treasures. For example, if your team’s country is France you may take photos of a baguette, the sign in front of a French bistro, a French flag or a beret. If you’re holding the hint at home you may want to stash pictures or postcards that feature the places on the back of the goodies. This makes it easier for the teams to find items that match their snacks.

When everyone is done, take a look at what each team has brought back. The team with the most objects wins! What does the winner get? First pick of the snack from the international MunchPak.

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